ousteer connect melbourne gradient
15 August 2024

Outseer Connect Melbourne

Join us for Outseer Connect in Melbourne for an agenda packed with valuable insights on global payment fraud mitigation, scams, enhancements to the Outseer platform.
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8:30 am - 9:30 am
Registration, Breakfast, and Networking
Enjoy the canape breakfast spread and connect with your peers.
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Scott Olson (CMO, Outseer)
Outseer CMO Scott Olson sets the stage for the day.
9:45 am - 10:15 am
Outseer Vision
John Filby (CEO, Outseer)
Outseer CEO John Filby shares insights on the evolving landscape of fraud prevention and Outseer's focus on delivering more value to our clients.
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Outseer Fraud Management Platform 
Yogesh Patel (CTO & Chief Data Scientist, Outseer)
Yogesh Patel, Outseer CTO and Chief Data Scientist, shares recent Outseer’s fraud management platform roadmap and recent improvements. 
11:15 am - 11:30 am
Refreshment Break
Coffee, tea, and snacks
11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Exploring Scam & Mule Mitigation
Yogesh Patel (CTO & Chief Data Scientist, Outseer)
Yogesh Patel, Outseer CTO and Chief Data Scientist, shares the vision for our fraud prevention platform that will guide our innovation strategy in the months and years ahead.
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm
The Latest in Payment Fraud, Mules, and Scams
Scott Olson (CMO, Outseer)
Learn the latest on scams, money mules, and other threats taking advantage of real-time payments as Scott Olson shares the findings of recent Outseer-sponsored research.
1:00 pm
Lunch & Networking
John Filby
John Filby
CEO, Outseer
Scott Olson
Scott Olson
CMO, Outseer
Yogesh Patel
Yogesh Patel
CTO & Chief Data Scientist, Outseer