Aite-Novarica Report

Faster Payments, Faster Fraud: Solutions to Stop the Madness

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An Aite-Novarica Group report, sponsored by Outseer, surveyed fraud executives at major financial institutions in Brazil, Canada, India, the U.K., and the U.S. to understand the trends associated with fraud on faster payment rails.

Faster payments have emerged country by country over the past two decades in a patchwork manner, and so did fraud, using faster payments rails.

The research shows that 71% of financial institutions (FIs) indicated an increase in consumer account takeover (ATO) using real-time payment rails from 2021 to 2022, and 62% of FIs said that consumer authorized push payment (APP) fraud via real-time payment rails had increased in the same period.

Read the full study to gain in-depth insights on the latest faster payments & faster payments fraud trends.

Download the report to learn:

  • Why 67% of the surveyed FIs plan to make major changes to enhance their real-time payment fraud controls over the next one to two years
  • How regulatory requirements are shaping in different geographies and defines fraud liability
  • Best Practices to mitigate faster payments fraud

Download your copy now to see how your fraud prevention strategy should evolve to mitigate the latest real time payments threats.

Get the Report